Balinese Baby Ceremony

Bulan Pitung Dina ceremony
Bale is well know as trip destination cause it has beautiful panoramic and unique of local cultur, as the island know with the island
with thousand of temple, there are lot of the ceremony from daily life of Balinese people on their believe of Hindu,it all depend on the
Balinese calendar calculate. The interesting here we show on the babies ceremony after born called bulan pitung Dina or Tutug
Tutug Kambuh ceremomy or Bulan pitung dina is the Ceremony to clear the Baby spirit from evil spirit that belived by Balinese
people, according to lontar Darma kahuripan , the ceremony are not just for babies also very important to the mother clear from the
bad fleck and unfriendly action . The ceremony are the symbolism of thank full to nyama bajang or that call the organs protect baby
during pregnancy divided placenta, ammiotic fluit , umbilical cord and the blood.
The ceremony begin of the babies step on 42 day old or one month and seven days by Balinese calendar followed the wuku, there
are three place to implanting the ceremony. at kitchen as presenting to Brahma god in Hindus believe as agod being creator,
bathing baby place presented to god of Wisnu as a god of dissolver , and other part of ceremony at the family temple as a symbolist
thank to anccertor and come as reincarnation into babies, and presenting to Siwa god .before the Tutug Kambuh ceremony at
beginning start a penyepihan ceremony that mean separation ceremony, in the location kitchen, bathing place or water jar, as a
symbol blessing to the god as manifestation, Brahma, Wisnu and Siwa, all the processing of the ceremony are lead by a monk. On
the processy are completed with Balinese offering , as blessing and protecting on future for the next step of babies.
In Bali still are many more the process Balinese ceremony, that it possible to see on you visit time at Bali in luckyday also possible
visitor can see on the way of travel, the local guide could explants the information. Most og f ceremony in bali as part of tradition
and culture, in majority the the Balinese people trust on Hindu believe.
As our experience in Bali all ceremony has unique to see and to know with simple explanation from the local people, meanly all
ceromony as thank full for god to human being and to nature to support all the live. To see more about Bali island better visit the
island and plant you travel list. Join the local people in ceremony activities, other choice support the turtle conservation and
education Center ( TCEC ) at Serangan island that is not far into capital city of Denpasar. Being volunteer, adopt sea turtle and
release , and support them into your donation, it possible into their webpage donation.
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