
Do Turtle Have Feeling, Boring, lonely and other Feeling

Turtle do not get lonely. They are not social creature who need company. Neither do they have feeling or emotions and be focus to give them  treatment with issue 


Do Turtle Have Feeling?

Turtle are consider as one of the most peaceful creature. Unlike human, they do not have feeling happiness, anger or sadness. However, turtle do show sign of fear if they are attackedd also they experience  pain if they are hurt and also get stressed.


Do Turtle Have Emotions

Turtle do not have emotion they do not feeling happy or sad, like humans. This is mainly because the part of their brain that is processing these sesayntions is not active in turtles. these does not mean that sea turtle not fight among them selves.

If turtle keep more than one turtle in same tank may see them fight. Turtle fight mainly for survival. They fight either for food or to compete for mate. so turtle do exhibit some basic emotion.


Do Turtle Get Borred 

turtle do get bored, it can notice several time try to swimming into side of tank or try to climbing the tank.


Are Turtle Loners

Turtle are mainly loners compares to other species. They do not require company unlike other sea creature they come together only during mating. Turtle do not need friend to accompany.


Do Turtles Get Depressed

Turtle do get depressed. The main reason for their depression is stress. Stress can be mainly cause because of fear. Turtle get stressed even if there is change environment. It take them sometime to get accustomed to the new environment. The other reason for sea turtle to get depressed is it is ill has an injure or due poor or unfavorable habitat 


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